
Motivational Monday

I recently read on one of the many forums I am a member of this question:

"How do all of you with "day jobs" find the time/energy to do your (enter your dream biz here) work in the evening? I know I HAVE to do it...but I'm so tired, I'm procrastinating. How do you make yourself do it?"

My initial response..... you just do it.  But that isn't motivational is it?  So lets try a different approach:

Between raising four  young kids (my oldest is 7), being a wife, and taking care of my home I also run two businesses, and find time here and there to paint a pretty picture or two.  I juggle a lot, I like to stay busy, I hate people thinking I am a super hero, Im not!

It's all about priorities and passion (and for me a list or two!).  If you want it you will find a way to make it happen.  It all depends on you, your love for it, your drive, your wiliness to sacrifice for the goal you are striving for.... 

This post isn't to make anyone feel bad (this is Motivational Monday after all!) or make you think that you don't want it (whatever "it" is for you) enough.  If you haven't gotten to your goal yet it just means that your path is winding differently from the next person, and that my friends is ok.  

Think about your creative business dreams as if it was a marathon, some are seasoned runners that have been training for years and have logged in many more miles than you, then you have newbies who may be running their first race and hit the pavement with all enthusiasm but have the goal to just finish, not so much what time they cross the line, and come the next run their goal will just to be to beat their last time.  We all start at the same place, some will get to their goal faster than others and that is perfectly fine.  It is up to you though how much you train, how much time you spend with a group of other runners (hypothetically) , how much you sacrifice to hit your goals all your work and time will get you to  a finish line, however long it takes!

Every person has 24 hours a day to do what they will with it, so now is the fun part you get to figure out what you want to do with those few hours to get to where you want to be one day in (hopefully) the near future! So I guess it does come to my initial thought, set a goal and just do it!

Need some motivation, have a question/comment?  Lets chat!  Until we meet again, get crafting folks!


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